Helping your thyroid by detoxing your skincare

Why swapping over to Naturopath approved skincare can positively benefit your thyroid.

Your thyroid gland is highly vascular, meaning it can soak up chemicals it's directly and indirectly exposed to easily.
This includes environmental toxins and chemicals- from makeup, skincare, cleaning products, water and fragrances.

Endocrine disrupting chemicals are those that can interfere with the natural function of our endocrine system and can have a negative impact on our hormone levels. 

Our thyroid works tirelessly to create appropriate levels of the thyroid hormones T3 and T4 for us, too little and you have hypothyroidism- think depression, constipation ,hair loss, wight gain. Too much and you have hyperthyroidism, think racing heart, weight drop, panic attacks. 

These chemicals are prolific in mainstream skincare and cleaning products.

If you're wanting to give your thyroid some care, have a look at these brands to swap some of your conventional household products over too. 

For my comprehensive list of thyroid loving skincare and home product brands, including makeup, home fragrance, cleaning products and body care products, subscribe to my mailing list below.


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