Initial Consultation
An initial consultation involves a deep dive into you; including your health history, diet and lifestyle, family history and your presenting complaint.
Kim will then develop a personalised treatment and lifestyle plan to address your symptoms and support your health goals.
A 60 minute initial consultation is $175
Return Consultation
Here we will go through and assess progress, changes or any difficulties within your treatment plan and prescription.
This is the time where we can deepen our work together into your presenting complaint; and start to consider any other issues or health concerns more thoroughly.
A 30 minute return consultation is $105
Australian Bush Flower Essence Consultation
This is a short consultation which revolves around the prescribing of a hand selected and personalised flower essence. Australian Bush Flower Essences (ABFE) are a form of energy medicine, they are often utilised for emotional and feeling based assistance.
An Australian Bush Flower Essence Consultation goes for 20 minutes.
The consultation fee includes the cost of the 20ml hand selected and blended Flower Essence remedy