Homemade Almond Mylk

When I say making your own nut mylk is easy, I absolutely mean it. This recipe is for almonds, but you can use cashews in a similar way.

Making your own homemade mylk means you will always have it in the fridge. But also that there is not oils or gums often found in conventional store bought!

The basic ingrediants list and simple recipe is as follows.

- 1 cup of almonds soaked overnight, drained and rinsed, ⁠
- Add 2 cups water and blitz in a NutriBullet or blender, ⁠
- Pour into a cheesecloth bag, catching the liquid in a bowl. Squeeze out as much liquid from the pulp in the bag. ⁠
- Add approximately two more cups of water to the concentrated liquid you have and you’re done! ⁠

Store in the fridge in a glass bottle and give a little shake before use. Will last about 3 days.⁠
The pulp is great for making protein balls with, you can dry it out and use it as a crumb or make crackers from it.⁠
This is the the yummiest mylk you’ll have. You can add vanilla, honey or cocoa and use it in tea and coffee.⁠
Have a look at the ingredients on your store bought nut mylk, and you'll be converted.


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