Making your herbal tincture taste better

Your herbal tincture has been formulated specifically for you. We want to ensure you have no problems with your prescription, but we understand some clients may find the taste challenging. Please see the following ideas to help you follow your herbal extract treatment plan.

Chill your herbs

Storing your herbal tincture in the fridge can both ensures its stability by being in a climate controlled environment, and help dull the bitterness and sharpness some liquid herbs may have.

Fill your cup

Measure out the prescribe amount of herbal mixture into a mearuing glass. Fill the reminder of the glass with water. This will dilute the flavour and help protect the mucosal lining of the throat from the small ethanol content in the liquid herbs.

Sweeten your herbals

Your practitioner can add particular herbs to your unique mixture which will sweeten the bottle and allow you to take them with greater ease. Some herbal examples include licorice, marshmallow, thyme or fennel. Your practitioner will be able to identify an appropriate herbal addition for you and administer it.


Persevere with your herbs. You will eventually become more comfortable with the taste and notice it less. Your practitioner has specially formulated this herbal mixture for you, your presenting condition and your unique health picture. Perseverance is key!


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